Would you like to contribute with photos?

This is a page where you who have a Hallberg-Rassy, new or old, can send us photos to share it with others. The photos should have some kind of Hallberg-Rassy connection and after approval most photos will be put up on a Owners gallery page where people can look at and download the photos. Some photos may also be used on our social media acconts on www.facebook.com/hallbergrassywww.instagram.com/hallbergrassy and https://tiktok.com/@hallbergrassy .

Please send your jpg photo, or video as a download link via for example wetransfer.com  to Please enable JavaScript to render this link!. The larger the file, the better. Please write something about the name of the boat and where the photo was taken and possibly a little more around the photo. When you send us a photo you also give us permission to use the photo(s) free of charge. Good photos might also be used for the annual  Hallberg-Rassy calendar, social media, brochures, adverts or similar.

We and all other Hallberg-Rassy friends look forward sharing your photos!